International Film Festivals

Amrit Nectar of Immortality on international festivals: 3.7.2012 – XXVI Pärnu International Film Festival, Estonia 22.7.2012 – 9th Indian Filmfestival ‘Bollywood and beyond’, Stuttgart 16.8.2012 – Indian Film Festival Berlin 8.10.2012 – VI Moscow international festival of visual anthropology

Premiere in Madrid

We are glad to invite to the first public screening of ‘Amrit Nectar of Immortality’ at the 11th film festival ‘Imagine India’ in Madrid. Location: Cineteca Matadero, Paseo de la Chopera 14, Madrid. Screening Time: May 26th, 7pm For more information about the festival visit


The documentary ‘Amrit Nectar of Immortality’ is being released in May 2012. Please sign-up to our newsletter in order to stay informed.